CNN • June 16, 2019, 2:01 pm
Why Trump’s immigration plans are bad for America’s elderly and disabled CNNSister Jacquelyn McCarthy wants more immigrants to come to this country, not fewer.
Bradenton Herald • June 16, 2019, 1:00 pm
Telehealth rises as medium increases in validity Bradenton HeraldJay Berger started by asking Patience Breckenridge how she was feeling. Breckenridge had had a rough night. The seizures continued,…
FRANCE 24 • June 16, 2019, 1:16 pm
France begins trial of compulsory civic service for teens FRANCE 24Nearly two decades after France phased out conscription for men, some 2000 teenagers on Sunday began a pilot programme for a new…
Ottawa Citizen • June 16, 2019, 1:00 pm
Kavanagh: Don’t turn funding of basic services into The Hunger Games, Premier Ottawa CitizenIn the present era, the provincial government has taken money from multiple programs that help the poor,…
Hot Springs Sentinel • June 16, 2019, 9:26 am
Sunday Datebook Hot Springs SentinelCivic clubs. Elks Lodge No. 380, 132 Abbott Place, will host a Father’s Day brunch today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $11. Support groups. Narcotics …
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Medline Comfort Driven Wheelchair with Full-length Arms and Elevating Leg Rests for Extra Comfort, 18” Seat

Medline Lightweight and User-Friendly Wheelchair with Flip-Back, Desk-Length Arms and Elevating Leg Rests for Extra Comfort, Gray, 18” Seat, Black

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Drive Medical Cruiser III Light Weight Wheelchair with Various Flip Back Arm Styles and Front Rigging Options, Black, 20"

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Drive Medical Silver Sport 2 Wheelchair with Various Arms Styles and Front Rigging Options, Black, 20"

from $122.43
Drive Medical Silver Sport 1 Wheelchair with Full Arms and Swing away Removable Footrest

from $119.90
The post Why Trump’s immigration plans are bad for America’s elderly and disabled – CNN appeared first on Home Living Aid.