It’s popular to attribute memory loss to old age; however, many people of all ages have moments simply being unable to recall a name, word or phrase. Apply the information from the tips in this article to develop and strengthen your memory, so you can save senior moments for the years when you are actually a senior.
Memory is just like the muscles in your body, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. A way to keep your memory active is to change up your brain’s routine every so often. By doing the same activities over and over, you don’t give your memory a chance to learn something new. By doing this, you will eventually start to lose your memory. Work your memory out by doing different activities including brain-stimulating activities in order to get the most out of your memory.
A useful strategy when tasked with the memory of new information is to restructure and reorganize the information. The simplest way to do this is to take the information and create a summary outline in a notebook or on your computer. This works for two reasons. It is easier to remember something that you have worked with, and the process also naturally reorders the information in a way that is easier for you to remember.
Organize the information you’re trying to study. Studies have shown that your brain stores similar information in the same spot. So to maximize your studying effort, you want to try and group similar things together when you’re studying. Using an outline to group subjects or sub-topics together can be beneficial in the long run.
Improve your memory by getting more organized. Sometimes a poor memory is simply a side effect of having too much on your plate and poor organization skills. Try using a day planner to keep track of your schedule. Make to-do lists outlining the tasks that you want to accomplish for the day. Finally, clear up clutter around your house and your work area. When everything is nicely organized and in its proper place, you may find that your memory problems disappear.
Eat more onions to improve your memory. A few studies have isolated fisetin to be of great benefit in improving the long term memory. You can find beneficial levels of fisetin in onions, strawberries, mangos and other plants. It also is a strong antioxidant so it will deliver other benefits to your body as well.
Regularly challenging your brain can help you improve your memory. Learning new, complex tasks such as a foreign language or how to play a musical instrument will help your brain stay active. Remember the old saying “Use it or lose it?” The same thing’s true for your mind!
Believing you have a poor memory is a self-fulfilling prophecy! If you are constantly telling yourself and other people that you have a bad memory, then that is exactly what you will have! As with anything, keeping a positive attitude will improve the situation so stop reminding yourself that you are forgetful and as your outlook improves, so will your memory!
Use memorization techniques and drills to continually challenge your mind to retain more information. Using these techniques and drills, allows you to improve your memory, while also remembering vital information, like telephone numbers and definitions. The list of data you can use for these techniques is limitless and can also, help you in your daily activities.
Knowing what type of learner you are will enable you to reinforce your memory! If you know that you are a visual learner, for example, then keep a small notebook with you at all times to write down the information you need to remember, or if you are an auditory learner, use a small recorder. These small aids will be a big help when you need to call on your memory later!
To improve your memory for the item you are studying, make sure it has the full focus of your attention. Memory works by taking important items from the present and storing them for recall later. If you aren’t focused on what you’re trying to learn, your brain won’t deem those facts important and won’t store them.
If you want to improve your brain’s ability to create and retain memories, one way of doing this is to often recount stories. Story telling is a way of practicing having the brain recall a memory in as much detail as possible, which is similar to working out a muscle group. It’s also fun!
If you have a bad memory, and you happen to remember something you need to do in the near future, do it now instead. You lessen the risk of forgetting to do it when it is required. For instance, let’s say you have a DVD due back to the movie rental store tomorrow. Bring it back today so you do not forget.
If you have forgotten something important that you need to remember, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Try breathing exercises by holding your breath in for a few seconds and releasing it. After doing this a few times, go back to trying to remember what you have forgotten.
A great way to improve memory and brain elasticity is to read a large variety of books. Read novels from all eras and places as well as histories, self help books, nonfiction books, and anything else you can find. The different types of information you take in give your brain a workout.
Healthy sleeping can help to improve memory. If you are deprived of sleep, your brain is unable to operate at full capacity. Your problem-solving abilities, creativity and critical thinking skills are all compromised. Research has proven that sleep is critical for memory consolidation, as the key memory-enhancing activity occurs during your deepest stages of sleep.
Now that you have picked up a few useful bits of information on strengthening your memory, you should continue looking for opportunities to try these tricks out in your daily life. After all, practice makes perfect – and that’s an adage that even the most forgetful of us are likely to remember!
The post How To Deal With Your Loved One's Memory Loss appeared first on Home Living Aid.