Many of us have careers that rely on our ability to remember facts and figures. If we were to start slipping in our duty and causing productivity to drop, we would inevitably lose our careers. If you think this cannot happen to you, you are woefully wrong. Check out these great memory-saving tips.
You then might consider taking short breaks for your mind so that it can rest, just take 5-15 minutes every hour, this can go a long way when you’re studying. This will help your brain process information more efficiently.
According to studies, material is better memorized if you go over it a number of times during regular study sessions. This gives your brain adequate time to process the information. According to research, students that had established regular study sessions recalled material much better than those who crammed all the material into one marathon study session.
Increase the dark leafy greens in your diet like spinach to help boost your memory power. They contain important B vitamins and folic acid, which have a huge job in taking care of the neurons in your brain. They also help keep oxygen flowing through your body, which is integral to healthy brain activity.
Memory is basically the acquisition of new information, and when you have problems concentrating, it becomes vastly more difficult to acquire new information. Most problems with concentration are linked to an Omega-3 deficiency. One effective way to counter this and thereby improve your memory is through the use of fish oils. Incorporating fish oil supplements in your diet can help your memory.
Mnemonic devices can be a great way to help you memorize information. Mnemonics are simply a way to remember facts by associating them with some familiar image or word. For example, each element of a list could be associated with a flower that starts with the same letter, or you could turn the list into a memorable rhyme.
When trying to commit information into your long-term memory, make sure you are in a location with zero distractions. It takes real attention to move information from short-term to long-term memory, and a distracting environment can make the task nearly impossible. Steer clear of areas where there are televisions, radios, crowds or lots of visual stimuli.
Take a trip to your community library and find any texts you can that cover memory improvement. A lot of famous psychiatrists have published important studies about memory and proper brain function. A world of knowledge is available from these resources that you can apply to your personal life.
It may sound silly, but one way to improve memory is to surround yourself with good friends, and to maintain an active social life. A Harvard study suggests that those who had active and fulfilling social lives, showed rates of cognitive decline significantly lower than their less socially active peers.
In order to remember important things, you may want to enlist the help of family or friends who have good memories. Tell them the important information you want to remember, so that you can ask them at a later date to remind you of this information. Just do not rely on someone else who has a bad memory!
When you’re having trouble remembering something, like when you’ve been studying for too long and can’t focus on the information anymore, try getting outside and taking a walk or jog. This will help you clear your head and get more oxygen pumping to your brain, thus letting your brain work at a higher capacity.
Eating foods rich in protein will actually help your memory as well as provide good fuel for your body! Foods like fish that have large amounts of protein are high in amino acids which aid your body in the production of neurotransmitters and these neurotransmitters are invaluable to brain performance so eat well to remember better!
Paying attention to what you are doing will help your memory. When studying or memorizing something, avoid distractions. Find an environment you are comfortable in. Learn how to focus on something, and if you can, find material that interest you. Focusing on something that interest you should be relatively easy.
Remembering and matching names with faces can be very difficult. Focus on the person’s face or a specific feature of their face; then try recalling an anecdote about them. With time and practice people’s names will spring to mind more readily.
Many people use visualization to remember information. Try visualizing what you wish to remember, create mind pictures, draw diagrams or charts to aid in remembering information in textbooks or during lectures at school. The mind is very effective in remembering visual details and recalling images, even images long-forgotten.
Use a visualization technique to help you remember information. Most people can recall study material better if they are able to associate it with a picture. You may be able to link a chart or picture in your study book to your information or you can make your own image by drawing graphs or figures.
A helpful technique to boost your memory of information is to use your senses. When you really want to remember some information, use as many of your senses as you possibly can to cement concepts to memory. If you can associate sound, smell, taste, sight and touch to a piece of information, you will form more memory pathways with which to retrieve this information at a future date.
Improve your memory by avoiding stress. When you’re feeling stressed out, it can be hard to concentrate. When you can’t concentrate, it can be difficult to make new memories or to recall old ones. During difficult time, try deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to get your memory back on track.
Using tips like what you’ve just read will help you to keep your memory strong and active. The knowledge you absorb will be retained and you will be far less likely to suffer from memory loss as you progress in age. By just applying these simple tips, you could change your entire life.
The post How Fish Oil Can Help You With Your Memory appeared first on Home Living Aid.