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How You Can Build Muscle Without Overexerting Yourself


Muscle building, when done correctly, can be a fun and productive activity to take part in. You can develop the muscles that you need to live a long and healthy life. It can also be a sport that you can compete in. No matter the reasoning behind the decision to begin a muscle building lifestyle, information is going to make the difference between success and failure.

In order to build proper muscle, it is very important that you eat an appropriate diet. Your body needs the proper nutrients as well as enough calories in order to provide the energy your muscles need for them to rebuild after an intense workout. Your meals should have the proper amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Try to consume some carbohydrates and proteins prior to going to sleep. The calories that you obtain will cause your body to reduce the rate at which it breaks down proteins while you are sleeping. Eating a small portion of cheese and a fruit is a great way to do this. You should also eat something soon after you wake up.

Do more repetitions, not heavier. The ideal workout to build muscle contains a high number of repetitions at a medium level of intensity. Keep your breaks between sets under a minute. This constant repetition causes a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles, which has been observed to stimulate muscle growth.

You need to take in more calories when trying to grow muscle. The amount you eat should be equivalent to you gaining around a pound of weight each week. Seek out ways to get more calories, and if you should not see any weight gain after two weeks, think about consuming more calories.

Lifting heavy weights is productive for many parts of the body, but you should avoid lifting extreme amounts of weight when you are working out by performing neck work, dips and split squats. If the exercise puts you in a joint position that is unfavorable, keep the weight limit to a reasonable level.

To maximize your muscle building, avoid heavy amounts of cardiovascular training while you are lifting large amounts of weights. If you are trying to build great muscle mass, cardio workouts can get in the way of that. Blending weights and cardio is ok, but if you are doing one or the other to an extreme degree, you have to cut down on the other in order to get the results you want.

Use visualization exercises to picture what you need to do to reach your goals. Having vague, undefined goals with no real sense of how to accomplish them is a sure road to failure. Picture yourself sticking to your workout routine and visualize what you will look like in the future. This will keep you motivated.

Do not overwork your body. In order to build muscle mass, your body needs a chance to recuperate. When starting out, work your upper on one day, then work your lower body the next day. Take one day off each week where you do no workouts at all. This will make the workout less of a job.

A lot of people believe that they will be able to lose weight strictly through cardio workouts, but muscle building is also very important. It is the best way to boost your weight loss because each pound of fat requires more calories and energy to maintain than a pound of fat.

Make use of your own body when you are working out. Bodyweight exercises, which include push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and dips, can cause you to experience additional muscle and strength gains. Because of this, these types of exercises are a very important component of a solid workout program, and they should be included.

As you learn more about your body, you will be able to exhaust each muscle group and increase your muscle mass more quickly. When doing your sets, keep going until you literally cannot go any further. If you have to, shorten you sets when you start to become tired.

Working out can be a very fulfilling experience, but it is one that must be done in an intelligent manner. Never use a new machine or free weight without practicing the proper form first and always be sure to start off with a very low amount of weight as a practice.

When attempting to grow muscle mass, utilize the buddy system method. This involves you and your partner pushing each other in a different manner. One person competes a set, and then he or she passes the dumbbells or bar to the other person. Except for the amount of time that you are waiting on your partner to finish a set, you do not rest.

Muscle building and cardio routines go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not only do they both work towards the same thing, but they also have a high level of synergy together. This means that including some light running into your routine can have large results in your muscles.

Always try to mix up your workouts when trying to build muscle mass. Every few weeks completely change your routine and throw your body off course. Your body will grow much faster when you change the routine and catch it off guard. This will keep your workouts interesting, and also build muscle.

While an ambitious exercise routine designed to build muscle does need recovery time built into it, you should resist the temptation to go completely inactive while recovering. A little low-impact exercise on your recovery days can speed up the muscle healing process and improve overall results. Try walking, bicycling, or swimming to keep your recovering muscles limbered up and active.

Information is going to help you make the most of the time that you spend working on building muscle. The information that you have gained from this article will, hopefully, help you gain the muscle mass that you are working toward. Use the advice and tips learned here to find the productive routine that works for you.

The post How You Can Build Muscle Without Overexerting Yourself appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Muscle Building Advice You Can Try Out Today


You need to work out your mind a bit before you start exercising your muscles. You need to educate yourself on the best muscle building methods, if you seek to gain the results you are looking for. Keep reading to find tips and tricks which you can use to attain the body of your dreams.

If you are trying to build muscle mass, it is important to eat calorie-dense food at the right time. The best time to eat your heaviest meal of the day is after you have completed your muscle-building workout session. It is at this time that the energy demands of your body are at peak levels since your body needs the nutrition to repair and build muscles. If you continue to eat some more calorie-dense food every couple of hours, you will provide an opportunity for your body to add even more muscle mass.

As you are lifting weights, do your movements slowly. Moving too fast uses the body’s momentum instead of letting the muscles do the work. Likewise, don’t swing the weights, because this keeps the isolated muscle from doing the work. This is why going slow seems harder. The isolated muscle is doing its work!

Stay active on your rest days. Being active increases your blood flow, and will help you to recover more quickly. The activity can be as simple as going for a walk. You can also go swimming, biking, or even get a massage. Engaging in these kinds of activities is significantly more effective than simply lying in bed all day.

Refrain from performing both strength training and cardiovascular exercises, if your goal is to build muscle, and not necessarily to improve overall fitness. The reason for this is that these two kinds of exercises cause your body to respond in contradictory ways. Focusing strictly on building muscle will help you to maximize your results.

Short-term use of creatine supplements can help you build muscle with minimal risks. Creatine plays an important role in your body in that it is required to produce ATP, a basic and vital form of energy. Your body cannot function without ATP, and lack of creatine can cause muscle problems. Having a higher level of creatine will enable you to train more intensely, and for a prolonged period of time.

Make time to workout at least three times weekly. If you are just starting out, you should limit yourself to three times, but as your muscles become more conditioned, you should try to get to the gym more often than that. As you become more experienced, you can increase your workouts to be more than once daily, several times a week.

When working out to build your muscles, it is important to know what your limits are. If you are someone who is highly motivated, it is sometimes really easy to push yourself too far. Understand your body and know what it could take. Do not try to compete with someone else especially if they are training at a much higher intensity than you are. You do not want to injure your muscles in the process.

Only workout your abs muscles two to three times per week. Many people make the mistake of doing abdominal exercises daily. This does not give the muscles enough time to recover and can ultimately limit their growth and could cause your body to become injured. Working out two to three times per week is sufficient to get lean abs.

Consuming a sufficient amount of protein is a key factor in building muscle. In general, for every pound that you weigh, you should aim to consume about one gram of protein. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should try to have 140 grams of protein in your diet. Meat, dairy and fish are excellent sources of protein.

Change up your workouts. Research has proven that varying your reps, intensity, and exercises are the best combination for increasing muscle mass. Our bodies are very good at adapting to exercises, and they have to be shocked by changing up the exercises in order to achieve the most optimum growth.

Offset chest and shoulder presses with a few sets of pulling exercises, such as pull-ups, pull-downs, and rows. Balancing your exercises in this way will help to work out the muscles that are neglected during the presses, which will in turn lead you to bulk up faster and increase your strength.

Squats are perhaps the most important exercise for building muscle mass. Beyond building the leg muscles, squats are an excellent whole-body workout. They work out the arms, chest, abdominal muscles and even the back. Using a proper technique is essential with squats. For a proper squat, the hips should come lower than the knees and the body should remain balanced.

Try to do bench presses and squats in the same manner that you do deadlifts, which is from a complete stop. Utilize bench and squat movements in the power rack, and allow the safety bars to be set at a certain point where this bar is at the bottom of these moves. You need to let the bar settle on this point. This helps you to remove any elastic tension, which assists you in increasing your strength.

Free weights are better for building muscle mass than machines. Machines have their uses, but force the body into strict motions. With free weights, you can lift more and with greater range of motion. They also help to improve your body’s balance, of which machines are incapable. In addition, if you workout at home, free weights are less expensive and take up a smaller footprint than machines.

When you are working towards building muscle mass, you have to make sure that you get plenty of sleep every night. If you do not get enough sleep, your body will not build muscle as quickly and there are potential risks for your wellness. Your body needs this sleep to recuperate from the strenuous exercise.

It bears repeating that efficient muscle building depends on more than your dedication or the frequency of your workouts. You need to have the correct approach to achieve results. Use this article’s tips to create a body building routine that is optimal for your wants and needs.

The post Muscle Building Advice You Can Try Out Today appeared first on Home Living Aid.

How To Break The Couch Potato Habit


You may want to evaluate your diet if your energy level has been low or you have felt sluggish as of late. In order to have optimal health and energy you need good nutrition and this article will tell you how to begin.

Did you know that you can fight fatigue that is experienced after eating? You can snap out of the tiredness you feel after lunch by drinking a tall glass of water and eating a small high-antioxidant food such as a prune. This will help revitalize your lethargic feeling and help fire up the mind.

Digestibility needs to be considered along with the nutritional value of foods. Some studies (notably by Dr. Weston Price)show that traditional methods of preparing grains make them more digestible and add food value. These methods soak the grains and cause fermentation, which in turn creates enzymes that help us digest these foods.

Inulin is a lesser known nutrient that can help enhance your nutrition. It’s found in leeks, garlic and artichokes. While you may have been taught that carbs are bad, this one actually helps you lose weight and calms your digestion. Garlic also aids the immune system. Blanched garlic has a reduced odor.

To cleanse your colon, look for nutrient rich foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber works as a natural laxative, making it a perfect choice for colon cleansing. To keep your health optimal, you should be sure to consume plenty of nutrients while you cleanse. Foods like green peas, spinach, and kidney beans will cleanse your colon while providing your body with vitamins and minerals.

Obesity and nutrition are major concerns today. Not obese people have poor eating habits that have lead to excess weight gain. Many people who are classified as obese have a great diet. Nutrition is one way to help one maintain over all heath, even if weight issues are present.

When you are developing an eating plan, make sure that you do not set up any meals after 7 p.m. This will give your body the chance to digest at the end of the night and improve the way that you feel in the morning. Eat dinner at 6, and do not consume anything heavy afterwards.

Try to make all of one day’s meals completely vegetarian. This will help you build your meal around your vegetables and grains. It is a great way to eat healthy. You may find that you enjoy the vegetarian style of eating and may plan to continue to do so. This will provide you with a reason to try different preparation options for vegetables.

Whenever it is available, choose whole grain bread over white bread. You can use whole grain bread for homemade stuffing, dinner rolls, and bread for sandwiches. Whole grain bread is healthier than white bread. You can also try to use wild rice in place of white rice. White rice is as unhealthy for you as whole bread is.

Folic acid is an essential requirement in pregnancy nutrition to help prevent neural tube defects and other problems with the brain or spinal cord. There are many great sources of folic acid in foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, peas and citrus fruits. Asparagus has 89 micrograms of folic acid in only 4 spears.

When you go shopping, have a list of planned meals. Going to a store with a specific list will help you not to deviate from the foods you should be eating. This will also make sure that you have all the ingredients on hand to make the right kinds of foods when you’re at home instead of ordering take out.

Breast feed after having a baby. Your body will burn an additional 500 to 800 calories each day to produce milk. These added calories can get you back to your pre-pregnancy weight much faster. Make sure to eat a healthy balanced diet though, as you will still need a greater calorie intake until you stop breastfeeding.

For delicious meals that are good for your heart, try the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Fish and chicken are preferred over red meat. Olive oil is used instead of butter. Instead of salt, herbs and spices are used to add flavor to food. This diet is based on healthy ingredients. Eating meals like this regularly can lead to a reduction of the bad cholesterol that can clog arteries.

Although fitness and nutrition are not the same thing they are in the same area – health. If you want to improve your overall health level you should consider exercise as well. This will actually help you to stay motivated about your eating habits as your body will start to crave healthier foods.

Don’t fall into the common trap that salad is healthy in all of its forms. While it is true that many leafy greens are great, the problem comes in the extras. If you build a salad that has lots of bacon, eggs, avocado and then salad dressing, you may be eating more calories than a hamburger.

To make sure your body is getting everything it needs, add a wide variety of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to your diet. All of these are rich in important vitamins and minerals. Studies have repeatedly shown that these are the foods most Americans are deficient in. As an added bonus, fruits and vegetables also tend to be low calorie.

It is impossible to overstate the important role that eating a good breakfast each morning plays to your overall nutrition and health. Eating breakfast primes your day for success by stoking your metabolism, waking up your brain and giving you fuel to burn throughout your morning. A well-balanced breakfast helps you avoid that mid-morning slump and serious weight gain when sugary junk food is so appealing. Whether your preference is eggs and wheat toast, whole grain cereal or a fresh fruit smoothie, there are an unlimited variety of healthy breakfast options sure to get your morning off to a great start!

If you improve your diet by implementing a sound nutritional plan, you should notice positive results over time, such as increased energy and a sense of well-being. Use the nutrition tips you have just read to make great food choices.

The post How To Break The Couch Potato Habit appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Calm Your Nerves And Focus Your Thoughts With Omega 3 Fatty Acids


Understanding your options and paying attention to nutritional content will make healthy eating as painless and delicious as possible. If you do not understand nutrition, it is harder to make good choices. The following article can teach you what you need to know to eat a nutritious diet.

Try to avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. Not only are they bad for you overall, but avoiding them will also help you avoid most of the other foods that are bad for your diet. Cutting these from your diet means you will have to be more aware and selective of what you eat, but you’ll be healthier overall for it.

Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet. It assists in bone and teeth formation by maintaining calcium and phosphorous levels in the body. Vitamin D also helps in immune function and cell growth. Lowering cancer risk is yet another benefit of vitamin D.

Eat healthful foods to keep your whole body fit and healthy. Your skin will glow if you eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, proteins, and natural oils. Be sure to get plenty of good oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil to keep your skin, hair, and nails moisturized, flexible and strong.

Drink lots of water every day. Drink juice or milk with only 1 or 2 meals- not every meal. Constantly drinking juice and milk during the day can lead to reduced intake of solid foods.

A great nutrition tip when you are trying to gain muscle is to make sure you’re eating enough calories. You need to determine how many calories it requires to maintain your weight and then you must eat a bit more than that, in order to gain muscle.

If you want to add to the amount of vegetables that your child gets in his or her diet, find ways to incorporated them in favorite dishes like macaroni and cheese. This is a great way to get them to try something new, and then they will be more likely to try the foods on their own later.

Talking about how the food looks or feels, rather than how it tastes, is a good way to start introducing a child to a new food. They may be more apt to try something if they see that you like it, too.

To help your body fight off diseases, eat plenty of foods containing Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to regulate your body’s immune system responses, and lowers the risk of many infections. It can also prevent chronic fatigue. Foods rich in Vitamin D include salmon, eggs, and tuna. Milk is another excellent source.

If you feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, try eating more fruits, vegetables and grains. These foods are filled with vitamins and minerals. They also have a very low fat content and are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They will help you get through your tired part of the day.

If you are at work, try keeping some single-serving packages of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, soup or tuna fish in your desk. That way if you ever need a quick lunch or an easy snack, you don’t have to buy something unhealthy or get a snack from the vending machine.

Breast feed after having a baby. Your body will burn an additional 500 to 800 calories each day to produce milk. These added calories can get you back to your pre-pregnancy weight much faster. Make sure to eat a healthy balanced diet though, as you will still need a greater calorie intake until you stop breastfeeding.

Cut most of the sugar from your meals. Choose foods with lower sugar or fat content and cut back on cakes, candy and sugary soft drinks. These changes will not only help you to stay fit and stop you from gaining weight, but they also help you to eat foods from other food groups that are healthier.

Eat food slowly. By eating at a controlled pace, you give your stomach time to feel full. By eating quickly, food enters your stomach before your stomach can send the signal that it is full. Also, some foods like bread expand in your stomach and will make you feel like you are full and will allow you to eat less.

Most bad habits are psychological and this is equally true for nutrition. All of the battles are actually inside your mind. One example of this is removing the reward system that you have set up with yourself. You want to try to remove the associations between food and happiness. Food is fuel, not happiness.

Peanut butter still stands out as an excellent, nutritious choice for snacking. Enjoy it with apples, bananas and celery and whole grain crackers and breads. Mix it into whole grain oatmeal and other hot cereals, cookies, cakes and smoothies for a boost of high quality protein and healthful oils that will benefit your skin, hair, joints and central nervous system.

Always choose whole grain breads and cereals for the greatest nutritional value and most benefit to your digestive system. Whole grain breads, crackers, tortilla chips, oatmeal and other cereals have not been stripped of their nutritional benefit by excessive processing. Additionally, they provide your digestive system with valuable exercise to keep it working properly!

No matter how much time you spend reading nutrition labels and eating healthy, one of the biggest factors to any successful nutrition plan is still to exercise regularly. A strong nutrition plan can’t make up for a lack of exercise and no matter how healthy your diet plan may be, you won’t see the full effect of it until you begin exercising regularly.

Understanding nutrition can really help you to make healthy food choices. After learning these tips, do yourself a favor by utilizing the advice. Only you can accomplish this. It is up to you to finally get yourself in the best health.

The post Calm Your Nerves And Focus Your Thoughts With Omega 3 Fatty Acids appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Information You Need To Know About Nutrition


Making sure you get the right nutrition for your body is a cornerstone of not just physical, but also mental health. Just how to do this, when even advice from experts seems to change so frequently, can be perplexing. In this article, we’re suggesting some ideas and hints to help you get the nutrition you need.

Make sure that you are still eating healthy while you are pregnant. Just because you have cravings for unhealthy foods does not mean that you have to cave in to them, or that you can’t find healthier alternatives. Make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals as suggested by your doctor.

When considering nutrition, it is important that you incorporate foods that you love because there is no better way to get nutrition than when you are enjoying it. There are many ways that you can add extra nutritional benefits to foods you love simply by adding in or leaving out key ingredients. Searching for low fat recipes will provide many good results.

One thing a lot of people think is that nutrition is all about food. You also want to take into account how your body uses the food you eat. You want to make sure you regularly exercise as well as to eat the right kinds of food, your body will thank you for this.

If you are striving to live a healthier lifestyle, a balanced diet is one of the most vital ways to achieve it. Aim to consume around 20% of your calories in protein, around 30% of your calories in fats, and around 50% in carbohydrates. This will put you on the right track to a better lifestyle.

People over 50 need to maintain good nutrition by ensuring they get enough vitamin D and calcium. This is because, as people age, their bones become more brittle. Calcium will help reduce bone loss, and vitamin D helps the bones absorb the calcium. People aged 50 and over should boost their calcium intake either via non-fat dairy products or through supplements.

If you invest your health today, you will reap the rewards tomorrow. This means making the right choices every day by choosing foods that are healthy, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep. These three recommendations will give you energy and focus to stay on the right track and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To lower your risk of heart disease, include plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease your cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular functions. One of the best sources of this nutrient is salmon, but it can also be found in flaxseed, walnuts, and tofu. Try eating something with Omega-3 fatty acid several times a week.

Eating right can be a Herculean challenge for many people. When you are dependent upon comfort foods, it may be difficult to choose a healthy alternative. However, once you get in the habit of eating healthy food, comfort food cravings will begin to cease. You will then eat what is good for you, rather than eating something because it allows you to feel good.

To better maintain your muscle mass, make high-glutamine foods a part of your diet. Glutamine is an amino acid that helps fuel muscles while protecting their health. It also prevents allergenic molecules from being absorbed. Some of the best sources of glutamine are cottage cheese, cabbage and salmon. Most nutrition bars are also high in glutamine.

Salad is one of the best things that you can put into your body, and can limit the amount of fat that you consume. Instead of eating a hearty meal that is filled with calories and carbohydrates, eat a salad. This will go a long way in your quest for the perfect body.

To reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, try using natural sweeteners instead of white sugar. Honey, molasses, and syrup can sweeten your food without adding as many calories. When you’re baking, try substituting fruit juice for some of the sugar. Use fresh fruit to add some sweetness to your cereal in the morning instead of another spoonful of sugar.

Eating chicken is good for you as long as you follow a couple of simple rules. You should always remove all of the skin from the chicken because it is loaded with fat. Another good idea is to eat white meat chicken because it has less fat than dark meat portions.

Help your child avoid obesity by making sure he/she has a healthy balance of play and nutrition. Shop carefully for healthful foods to be sure your child always has plenty of nutritious choices in snacks, and make sure he/she gets outside to play a sport or engage in some other vigorous exercise for at least half an hour every day.

When nutrition comes into question, one thing that can’t be stressed enough is: whole wheat. Try to focus on purchasing and consuming items that are whole wheat based as wheat has a rich amount of fiber which can help to regulate your body. It can also help prevent things such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and even diabetes.

A good health tip that everyone would do well to heed is to eat small meals. Studies have shown that smaller meals help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight range. Most of the time our eyes are bigger than our stomachs so implement some self control and reduce your portion size.

One way to be nutritious is to make sure that you’re healthy while keeping yourself at a good weight. These days, overindulging is common; this leads to a big weight gain. Eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep because lack of sleep can lead to weight gain.

As we suggested in the introduction, nutrition is vital for health. In today’s world, not everyone has the lifestyle to cook elaborate meals or keep records of the nutrients they’re taking in, and in the current climate, not everyone will be able to afford expensive food. In this article, we’ve made some straight forward suggestions for ways different people can improve their nutrition- try some out and we’re sure you’ll notice the improvement in your health.

The post Information You Need To Know About Nutrition appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Top Ten Reasons to Support the National Academy of Social Insurance


There is only one National Academy of Social Insurance, but many reasons to support our work. Here’s why you may wish to consider the Academy in your year-end giving:

1.  We tackle big issues. 

Our Medicare Eligibility Study Panel of twenty-eight Members is just one example of how we organize expert perspectives to address a challenging topic like the current debate on health care reform. Medicare changes are front and center in the news, while Academy Members are behind the scenes studying what options exist and what the consequences of possible changes might be. Panel findings will be issued in 2020 and featured at our annual policy conference, Healthcare Coverage and Costs: Assessing Medicare-Based Approaches, on March 4-5, in Washington, DC.

2. We explore protections for Americans facing various economic risks.  

Today’s social insurance and related programs are important in addressing many risks, but they do not adequately cover new and emerging risks, such as changes in work arrangements, underemployment, and student debt. Thirty Members are working together on our new Economic Security Study Panel to explore integrated approaches to fill the gaps in protection facing millions of Americans.

3. We focus on ways to strengthen Social Security.

Partnering with AARP, the Academy launched a Social Security Policy Innovations Challenge. Open to experts and the general public, this program invited ideas to address the income adequacy needs of older workers who need to claim retirement benefits early. A panel of judges conducted a blind review and selected four winning proposals, with each receiving an award of $20,000. These proposals offer innovative ideas to improve income adequacy for older workers who are no longer able to work, or cannot work full time, but are not eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance.

4.  We analyze the needs of modern families and workers and how they might be addressed.

Our ground-breaking report, Designing Universal Family Care, explores state-based social insurance programs for childcare, paid leave, and long-term services and supports. We partnered with Caring Across Generations to bring policy options to stakeholders across the country, including a webinar and seminars in DC, Oregon and California. Advocates are using our report as an evidence-based toolkit for state policymakers. More educational forums are planned for 2020.

5.  The Academy is the only organization that provides an annual picture of Workers’ Compensation benefits across the country.

Our report, Workers’ Compensation Benefits, Costs, and Coverage, is an invaluable tool for state officials, industry leaders, analysts, reporters, and actuaries. Published by the Academy since 1997, this data report is a non-partisan and free resource available to the public. 

6.  We answer a question on young people’s minds: Will Social Security be there for me?   

Our mission to educate is especially important for younger generations who often mistakenly believe that Social Security won’t be there for them. Our 2019 policy conference on Regenerating Social Insurance for Millennials and the New Millennium tackled the topic head on. The conference program was led by a planning committee of emerging leaders and featured a number of spirited presentations.  

7. We are committed to education and leadership development.

Robert Ball, the Academy’s Founding Board Chair, believed that the future of Social Security required a new generation of leaders viewing the program as a topic worthy of research and study. Every year, we invite talented students from across the country to apply to our Summer Internship Program, now offering five tracks of internships. Interns work full-time in various organizations, attend weekly seminars, and enjoy social events with Members, making for a robust learning experience. (If you know students who might be good candidates, tell them about this opportunity! Applications are due by January 3, 2020.)

2019 Summer Interns

8. There’s nothing “fake” about us.

The Academy provides non-partisan, independent analyses of social insurance and related programs to counter inaccurate news and polarized political positions.

9. We share our expertise widely.

In addition to the free content distributed across our network of Members and subscribers via emails (like This Month at The Academy), social media, and our website, journalists turn to the Academy as a source of reliable expertise AND “big ideas” to inform and inspire the public and policymakers alike. Our work is often cited in a range of major news outlets, such as the Associated Press, Forbes, the New York Times, and Fast Company.

10.  Our Members are a unique community

Only the Academy brings together a diverse group of experts – government officials, lawyers, actuaries, economists, sociologists and other academics, advocates, and more – to channel their collective experience into research and analyses for sound social insurance policymaking. The Academy is a hub for big picture thinking, as well as technical discussions, necessary (in our mission) to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.


Thank you for supporting the continuation and evolution of initiatives like the ones above. A gift of any amount by December 31 will contribute to our work in 2020. Or consider signing up to make a monthly recurring gift of $10, $25, $50, or more per month in 2020.



Bill Arnone

A Great Massage Can Be Easy With Our Help


Getting a massage is a great way to relax. Not only does it benefit your body, but it is also great for your mind as well. In today’s stressful world, everyone could benefit from a massage. The following tips will help you get the most from your massage.

When giving a massage, consider using a little bit of oil. Oil helps you to rub your hands over the skin more easily, and it also makes it easier to go deeper with pressure while giving the massage. Almond oil, olive oil and baby oil are all good choices. If you wish, add a little essential oil to make the massage fragrant.

When you are giving your massage, try to have music playing in the room. This music should be very soothing and calm, without many words. Music therapy can help soothe the muscles so that you can maximize the overall experience and help your overall technique during the massage that you give.

Petrissage is the best way to relieve stress and make pain disappear. This method requires you to use your fingertips and your thumb. Grab hold of a muscle and squeeze it for a few seconds before moving on to a different area. Go over the same areas several times until the pain disappears.

Regulate your breathing during a massage. It is not uncommon to feel apprehension or anxiety during a massage, particularly if you are new to receiving them. Remember that you are in a safe environment and dealing with a professional. You will not be able to relax if your breathing is not normal.

You should try using olive oil or almond oil for your massages. The massage oil is able to get absorbed in the skin. Oils will let your hands glide smoothly over the skin, unlike a lot of lotions.

Think about getting a masseuse that can come to your house or to your office. Massage therapists often do this to save money on office space. You get flexibility and reduced rates.

If you have a favorite fragrance of massage oil, bring it to your next massage. More than likely, the therapist will be willing to use it. Sometimes they may have a preference for oils of a certain type, but it is definitely worth asking to see if they are willing to use your favorite.

When you’re done with your massage, you need to rise slowly. Remember that you have been prone and totally relaxed for 30 minutes or more. You are likely to feel lightheaded when you first stand up, so move with care at first to make sure you have your balance.

There is no real dress code when you decide to go out and get a massage. If you are concerned about dressing appropriate, speak with the spa or your message therapist beforehand. By addressing clothing concerns, you can ensure that you won’t feel embarrassed or uncomfortable during your massage. If there is an area you also don’t want massaged like your behind, tell the therapist before starting.

Before beginning your massage, discuss pressure with your massage therapist. Some people like massages that are very deep with a hard intensity. Others prefer a lighter touch or even Reiki style massages where touch is not necessary. If you let your therapist know what works for you, they can adjust the massage to meet your individual needs.

There is a helpful massage that helps to relieve sinus pressure and congestion. To do this massage, begin by placing your fingers right above your nose and pressing down. Be sure you are rubbing outward. Next, put your fingers under your eyes, moving down and rubbing out. Massage the cheekbones with your thumbs and then put your thumbs on your temples, moving in small circles.

Try not to go to a massage appointment with a full stomach. It is better to have eaten about half an hour before your appointment. A massage requires that you lay on your stomach for an extended period of time, and this can be very uncomfortable if your belly is too full.

You need to know your options before you get a massage. There are many different techniques available, such as rolling, tapping, kneading, and deep tissue. Each of these different techniques produces a different effect, depending on your individual needs.

Shiatsu massage is used by gently applying firm pressure into affected meridians then quickly releasing it. This type of massage is perfect for those suffering from tired muscles that need immediate relief. Unlike other types of massage, this massage does not leave the person feeling sore afterwards; instead, they feel refreshed and renewed.

Wear loose fitting clothing to your massage. Your masseuse will ask you to disrobe down to the level of your comfort, and so the last thing you want to do is struggle with multiple layers or tight clothing as you get ready for your massage! Many people wear workout clothing when they get a massage.

Consider an Epsom salt bath following a deep tissue massage. Just add one cup of Epsom salts to a bath full of warm water. These salts can help the body to further release toxins, and they can also help to relieve any lingering sore spots. Soak in the bath for about a half hour for optimum results.

Learn the proper finger techniques for doing a back massage at home. It’s true that you will be mainly massaging using a finger and a thumb on each hand. However, massaging using only those digits will cause you to wear your thumbs out, so try using the other fingers on your hands to support them.

You want to make sure that you go to a reputable place that has professional staff members who are trained in the art of massage. Ask your friends who have gotten massages before for their recommendations, and do some internet research to find reviews of good places in your area.

A massage is an art like no other. These days there is no stigma attached to getting a massage, even for men. In fact, everybody should enjoy the benefits of getting an occasional massage. The information presented here should make you feel more aware of the massage world. Now go out and have yourself a massage.

The post A Great Massage Can Be Easy With Our Help appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Tips To Show How Being Organized Aids You To Remembering Things


Do you find that your memory is not as sharp as it used to be? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Memory loss is a common problem for many people. The key to gaining your memory back is to know how to do so, which is what the purpose of the following article is.

Avoid cramming all your material into one short study session. Studies show that information is better retained, if you take some time to learn it. You can do this by scheduling short study sessions in the days and weeks, prior to an exam. Cramming everything into one sitting will only prove to be counter productive.

Take advantage of social networking sites to remember birthdays. Take the time to invite all your friends to join you on your social networking site, and be sure to ask them when their birthdays are and enter this information in the birthday reminder program provided so that you will always be notified in advance.

Use mnemonic devices to help you remember information. The best mnemonics use humor and positive imagery to help you recall facts, so come up with a song, joke, poem or rhyme to help you memorize important segments of information. The simpler the mnemonic, the easier it will be to remember.

Keep a diary or calendar for appointments. This is extremely helpful in remembering important dates or events. Be consistent with it and keep it in the same place all the time. You should look at it every day to update it and to make sure there isn’t anything you are forgetting.

If you find that your memory has deteriorated drastically in a short period of time, it is important that you see your doctor right away. Sudden memory loss could be a sign of a more serious medical condition, such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, which can effect people of all ages.

Loss of memory is easily one of the worst things that can happen to an aging mind. Prescription medication is often used to help fight off signs of memory loss and dementia.

You should try to socialize and have fun. Although it sounds strange, socializing with friends is a great workout for your brain. Laughing is also vital for brain health, as it uses many parts of your brain. It can also help you to think in broader terms and keep it active.

Try not to keep memories in your head that are unneeded, such as information that you know you will never lose. It has been medically proven that getting rid of useless information frees up space in the brain for information that you are actually going to get use out of.

If you find that you are losing things as soon as you set them down, try dedicating a spot to them. Make sure that you are putting your keys in the same spot every day. Make a spot for your glasses or the book you are reading. If you make a habit of putting everything in its place, forgetting where they are won’t be a problem.

Eating foods rich in protein will actually help your memory as well as provide good fuel for your body! Foods like fish that have large amounts of protein are high in amino acids which aid your body in the production of neurotransmitters and these neurotransmitters are invaluable to brain performance so eat well to remember better!

Pay attention to the environments that pop up in your memories. These locations may enhance your learning abilities. Return to these types of locations, or replicate their effects, in order to bring about the memory-enhancing effect of those places. Many people find that a certain level of background noise, for example, is vital to their learning.

If you have trouble remembering words or names, try repeating them out loud. For instance, if you are introduced to a new person, repeat their name back to them by saying something like “Nice to meet you, Susan.” This simple tip will help to cement the word or name in your mind, so you can easily recall it when you need to.

If you are a student studying for a test, it is important not to over study. Of course it is natural to want to remember information on the test, but by studying too much you are actually overworking your brain cells, which in turn could cause you to not remember anything.

To improve memory, try playing classical music when you can. Classical music can be soothing and relaxing to the mind, and can also help with memory improvement. If you really want to heighten the mood, play Chopin while lying in the bath and burning incense.

Keep your memory sharp by playing brain games often. Crossword puzzles, number games, and trivia are great examples. Brain games keep your memory sharp. They also improve your concentration level and attention span. Use them as a fun way to greatly enhance your cognitive abilities.

Did you know that, even late in life, you can grow new brain cells within the memory center of your brain? Recent research has revealed that high-level aerobic exercise, such as running and bicycling, actually stimulates the growth of new brain neurons within the brain’s hippocampus. If you want to have a better memory, adding more aerobic exercise to your daily activities will help.

If you have trouble with memory and focus, the problem may not be directly related to your brain. Physical exercise has been shown to improve brain function significantly. Do half an hour to an hour of exercise per day and see if that doesn’t clear up any problems with a foggy brain.

In conclusion, many people find that their memory is not what is used to be. As common of a problem as this is, people should learn what they can do to fix it. What you learned in the above article is meant to assist you in getting your memory to where you want it to be.

The post Tips To Show How Being Organized Aids You To Remembering Things appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Memory Issues? Give These Tips A Try!


Every day, we are bombarded with more information than we could ever hope to retain. There are certain moments or pieces of information that we want or need to hang on to, however, so it’s important that we do what we can to protect our minds. The tips in this article should help you build a better-functioning memory.

If you are having memory problems, try taking fish oil. Recent studies have shown a link between problems with concentration and memory and a deficiency in Omega-3 fatty acids. One of the best Omega-3 sources is fish oil. You can either take the oil in the liquid form by the spoonful, or opt for fish oil pills instead.

Keep a running list of the things you want to accomplish each day. As you finish one item, cross it off and move on to the next. Simultaneously, keep adding items at the bottom of the list as they arise. In this way you will never forget what you need to do next.

In order to maintain a good memory, Omega-3’s are an essential part of your diet. There are several sources of Omega-3 including fish, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and soybeans. If any of those foods don’t appeal to you, it’s also acceptable to take fish oil supplements in order to keep your memory fully functioning.

The health of your body has a direct impact on the health of your memory. The brain is an organ just like your heart or lungs. Activities that improve your physical well being will ensure that it functions at the highest level possible. Take care of yourself, rest, eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Using your brain frequently and in interesting ways keeps it limber, just like exercising the muscles every day keeps them in top shape. Many studies have shown that puzzles and mental stimulation even help fight senility.

When trying to memorize new information, take the time and effort to think about how this unfamiliar material relates to something that you already know and understand. By finding a relationship between new concepts and previously learned material, you will increase the likelihood of committing the new information to memory.

It is important that you take steps to keep your memory in shape throughout the years. Diet is crical in this regard. It has been shown that getting enough folic acid in your diet can help fight memory loss. Foods rich in folic acid include many beans and legumes, leafy greens, fortified bread and cereals, citrus juices and more.

After you learn something new, teach it to another person. When you teach it, it forces your brain to manipulate the information in another way in order for you to articulate it. This manipulation of information strengthens that part of your memory, and it is an effective way in committing the new information into your brain.

Avoid cramming. Work in regular study sessions that you have set out on a schedule. Having a set time to study will help your brain remember the facts you present to it. Cramming simply presents your brain with too much information to remember at any one time, and so you will forget much of it.

Information should never be crammed into your brain. If you have to remember a fact, try doing smaller study sessions. Never try to just learn something all at once. Your mind gets overwhelmed with too much information, and the next thing you know, you will be forgetting it quite quickly. Make time in your regular routine for study sessions so you’ll be in the habit of recalling the information that you need.

To help a young child remember his home phone number, use a familiar tune and make up a song with the phone number. When the phone number is associated with the familiarity of the tune, the child will be able to recall the phone number a lot better. This method is useful for people of any age.

Keep your self organized. It is important that you don’t waste your time trying to remember simple things, like where you put your car keys. Just make sure to keep them in the same spot every day until it becomes habbit. Being organized will actually work to enhance your memory.

Stress can cause forgetfulness. Try to stay relaxed when learning new information or when trying to recall something. Give yourself the time to recall what you need, instead of getting upset with yourself and losing patience.

Adding fish oil to your diet can boost your memory. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, such as those contained in fish oil, may help boost your memory skills. Taking the proper dose is critical, so don’t take any until you have consulted your doctor.

Do not feel ashamed to talk to yourself if you have a bad memory and you are trying to remember something important. Sometimes, all it takes is talking out loud for you to remember where you have placed a certain lost item or remembering what you have to do.

You need to actively prepare your mind before you start to try to remember something. In the same way a runner needs to stretch first, you need to visualize yourself learning what you are trying to commit to memory. This can also help you to be more prepared and organized as well.

For a creative way to remember an important idea, try to think of it as lyrics to a song. Create a tune to go along with it! This is obviously effective, judging from the children who learn their alphabet from singing a tune. Most songs involve some sort of repeated melody, so the information is retained more effectively. Try singing the next thought you have and see if you can remember it in a few hours.

As mentioned above, our lives are filled with so much information that we have to take special effort to remember specific events or pieces of information. With the advice from this article, however, you should be better equipped to hold more information in your mind. Now go out there and learn something new!

The post Memory Issues? Give These Tips A Try! appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Suggestions On Remembering Everything You Need To


You may be feeling like you are more forgetful these days. Give your brain a boost by adding vitamins and supplements to your diet. There are supplements which can help improve your memory. This article will give you some great advice as to what kinds of natural things you can take to improve your memory.

One of the best ways to store new information in memory is to relate it to something else that you are already familiar with. Creating a logical link between the new information and something else that you already know will increase your chances of being able to successfully recall that information later. The link you create functions as a trigger to recall the new information.

Make sure your attention if focused on the material you want to remember. If you have other distractions going on around you – music playing, the TV on, kids talking, etc. – your mind won’t be able to focus on the material. This will result in it being hard to remember what you’ve studied.

Don’t skip on the sleep if you want to improve your memory. It is when we sleep that our brains really go to work. During deep sleep our brains are incredibly active in processing information and trying to understand problems. Skimping on your sleep will start having an almost immediate effect on your memory.

Saying what you’re trying to remember outloud is a fast and easy way to boost your memory. Though it may feel silly at first, saying things outloud is a great tool for memorization. When you re-read something over and over again to try to memorize it, you may start skimming. Saying it outloud forces you to read and listen to the whole thing each time.

If you are trying to remember some body of information, one of the best techniques for doing so is to try to teach it to someone else. Teaching concepts to another person actually improves understanding and recall for both the student and the teacher. Even something as simple as reading out loud to someone else can help too.

Reducing distractions in your immediate environment will go a long way in helping you to remember something. Phones ringing, children screaming or horns honking are not conducive to memory for anyone so limit the amount of distractions your mind has to deal with, and you will increase your ability to remember!

A good tip to help improve your memory is to be more social. Studies have shown that our brains respond much better to socializing than if we were alone. People who socialize regularly will enjoy the benefit of a slower memory decline. Try being more social to improve your memory.

Try not to keep memories in your head that are unneeded, such as information that you know you will never lose. It has been medically proven that getting rid of useless information frees up space in the brain for information that you are actually going to get use out of.

Use calenders and planners to help yourself remember important events. Jot everything you need to remember on your planner or calendar. Maintain a schedule, and check it frequently. Putting things down on paper, and then reading it helps the mind. Your brain won’t have to remember as much and it’s convenient if you ever forget something.

When trying to remember something, it is important to relax. Memorization of information is better when one takes the needed time to store and recall concepts. As you age, you will find that it will take a bit more time to both cement information in your memory and to recall those memories. If you cannot recall something immediately, do not panic since that will make it even harder to recall. Memory always works better when one is relaxed and well-rested.

If you have trouble remembering words or names, try repeating them out loud. For instance, if you are introduced to a new person, repeat their name back to them by saying something like “Nice to meet you, Susan.” This simple tip will help to cement the word or name in your mind, so you can easily recall it when you need to.

Establish relationships with old and new information. To keep your memory in top form, keep information relevant in your mind. Your brain will automatically discard most facts it deems useless. It is often necessary to “update” memories. Think on them regularly and determine how they relate or hold up to new information.

Close your eyes. Your brain spends a lot of energy on processing what you are seeing. If you have difficulty remembering something, try closing your eyes. Your brain will have an easier time finding the information. It will also make it easier for you to picture said information in your head.

If you are studying complicated information that you know nothing about, try to link it to a topic that you are very familiar with. You will be able to recall the unfamiliar material much better if you are able to associate it with something that is easy for you to understand.

One way to improve your memory is by adding meditation to your daily routine. Meditating helps to relax your mind and body, which in turn can make it easier for your brain to recall memories. Set aside a specific time each day when you know you won’t be interrupted to close your eyes and meditate for as long as you would like.

If someone close to you is dealing with memory loss, try your hardest to be as accommodating and understanding of them as possible. What they are dealing with is very hard, and you do not want to make it worse by not being understanding. You might be able to assist them if you take the time to understand their needs.

As was stated in the beginning of the article, sometimes you can feel like you are more forgetful than others. Many times, everyday stress in your life can account for the deficit in your memory. Taking vitamins and certain supplements can help to boost your brain power. Apply the tips from this article and you will be on your way to a healthier brain in no time at all.

The post Suggestions On Remembering Everything You Need To appeared first on Home Living Aid.

You Can Get Good Information And Learn More About Muscle Building In The Article Below


Are you trying to bulk up? Many people have the goal of putting on some muscle to be stronger and more attractive, but it can be difficult to figure out how to go about it. If you’re looking for tips on building muscle, look no further! Read on for the best methods.

Aim for a high number of reps with medium-intensity weight when you train. For each individual exercise you do, try to do a set of 10 to 15 reps, resting less than one minute in between each set. This causes lactic acid to build up in your muscles, which makes you “feel the burn” while stimulating growth.

Many people who wish to build muscle use protein shakes and meal replacements. It is important to note however that there is a distinction between the two. It can be dangerous to your health to use protein shakes frequently as a meal replacement. A full meal contains many essential nutrients that are not included in protein shakes. In addition, living off protein shakes can leave your muscles soft which negates your muscle building efforts.

Although isolation moves that only require that you move one joint are important, you shouldn’t do these types of exercises very often. You definitely do not want to do them more than compound exercises. The best time to make use of these moves is at the end of a workout.

When you first start working out, do not try increasing the weight you are lifting. Instead, work on improving your stamina by doing longer sets or simply more sets. Once working out becomes easier, you can start adding weight or trying harder exercises to keep your routine interesting and challenging.

Developing a smart schedule for your muscle building workouts will keep your muscles growing and keep you from injury. Only push yourself to your limits twice a week early on, increasing the intensity and frequency of your workouts as your strength and endurance improves.

Volume is an important component of muscle growth. An excellent method of building muscle is by utilizing German Volume Training. This type of training instructs you to perform ten sets of ten reps for just one exercise. It’s ideal that this exercise is a compound one in order to achieve the most growth.

Watch for scams that promise the ultimate level of success with one exercise. Muscle building requires that you switch up your routine sometimes, and do exercises that will work a variety of muscles. If all you are doing is working with one machine or on one isolated routine, you will never see the results that you are really looking for.

Consider making use of tri-sets in your workout plan. These sets involve doing three exercises simultaneously, and you do these exercises all together without any form of rest. Tri-sets is an excellent method of shocking a plateaued muscle that needs to wake up in order for it to grow in size.

Muscle building and cardio routines go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not only do they both work towards the same thing, but they also have a high level of synergy together. This means that including some light running into your routine can have large results in your muscles.

Make sure your deltoids are fully engaged. By having middle deltoids that are developed, your shoulders are wider and thicker. Make sure lateral raises are above the parallel point in order to get the most out of your deltoid exercises. Begin laterals several inches from the hips in order to decrease the involvement of supporting muscles, such as the supraspinatus.

You have an overwhelming selection of workout machines or programs for you to try. It is sometimes easy to forget that not all methods are effective for all goals or all athletes.
Building muscles it’s easily accomplished when you customize a routine and stick with it. There are many options for building muscles. Do your research and investigate the best workout tools and techniques to get the look that you want. You may even have a workout friend that can help you increase your result.

When building muscle it is important to be sure that you are giving your body enough fuel throughout the day. You need to up your caloric intake if you want to be able to build muscle and burn as much fat as humanly possible. It is important to learn which foods are best for repairing muscle fibers.

Diet is, of course, a very important part of any muscle-building exercise routine. One way you can give your body the fuel it needs to bulk up is by concocting a good protein shake to drink before working out. A good balance of natural ingredients, such as whey protein and oatmeal, with effective supplements like creatine will give you the best results.

When you want to build up your muscles, you need to pay attention to what you eat and drink. Although being hydrated is normally important, it is even more important when building muscle, as muscles are made up of 70% water. Also, limit your alcohol intake, as too much can break down your muscle tissue.

As you are trying to build muscle, the diet you follow should be one that will encourage muscle growth and supply the proper nutrients they need to grow. Just remember to keep a variety to your diet because you don’t want to become bored with it, which could lead to making unhealthier decisions.

Beginners at weight lifting should take one day off in between each day of exercise. This will help to prevent injury, because it gives your muscles a chance to recuperate. In addition, it will keep you from feeling exhausted from your new exercise routines, giving you the best chance at continuing on toward achieving your goals.

As you can see, putting on muscle is something that anyone can do with the proper knowledge. Now that you know what you need to do to get the body you want, soon you’ll be looking and feeling great. Don’t wait! Apply these tips now, to see a big improvement!

The post You Can Get Good Information And Learn More About Muscle Building In The Article Below appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Tone Your Tummy And All Your Body


As you get older, your muscle density begins to drop. Luckily, you can build and train your muscles so that you can maximize the muscles you still have. With just a little knowhow and some training, you can build some impressive muscles. Here are some muscle building tips to get you started.

Obtaining a workout partner can drastically improve your muscle-building results. Your partner can be a valuable source of motivation for sticking to your workout session, and pushing you to maximize your efforts while you work out. Having a reliable partner to work out with can also help keep you safe because you will always have a spotter.

Consume more calories each and every day. If you are trying to gain some muscle weight, you will need to be eating more. Make sure these calories come from healthy foods, do not allow yourself to fill up only on junk, it will not help you out at all.

Patience is the key. You are not going to develop rock hard muscle mass overnight. You are going to have to work long and hard to get the results that you hope for. Do not allow yourself to become discouraged if you are not seeing the results you hoped for. Keep your goals reasonable and safe.

As you are working to develop muscle, do not count on the scale to tell you how you are doing. You must take the time to measure your body fat to find out how you are doing. If your weight it going up or remaining the same, it may be a sign that you are turning flabby fat into rock hard muscle.

In order to build muscle, it is important to maintain detailed records of your progress, and how you got there. By taking the time to jot down a few notes on the exercises and repetitions performed in each workout session, you will be able to consistently build upon what you have already done, and continue to grow stronger and build more muscle.

Consuming a protein shake after working out is very important. The protein shake gives you body the nutrients it needs to be able to rebuild muscle fibers and help your muscles to grow faster and stronger. Protein shakes should have a ratio of 2:1 of carbohydrates to protein in order for them to be as beneficial as possible.

Consuming a sufficient amount of protein is a key factor in building muscle. In general, for every pound that you weigh, you should aim to consume about one gram of protein. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should try to have 140 grams of protein in your diet. Meat, dairy and fish are excellent sources of protein.

Eating proteins will help you build your muscles. Muscle requires protein to rebuild after a workout, and a protein deficiency will actually reduce your muscle mass. Try to consume up to a gram of protein daily for each pound you weigh.

As you become more experienced in working out, it’s very important that you make sure to adjust the amount of weight you lift. Once you get stronger, you are either going to have to increase your weight or your reps in order to get that pump you need for achieving additional muscle growth. Try to increase gradually the amount of weight you lift to ensure that you don’t overexert yourself.

Offset chest and shoulder presses with a few sets of pulling exercises, such as pull-ups, pull-downs, and rows. Balancing your exercises in this way will help to work out the muscles that are neglected during the presses, which will in turn lead you to bulk up faster and increase your strength.

Learn to eat the right foods to build muscle. Knowing which foods to eat and not to eat when trying to pack on muscle can save you a lot of time in your efforts. If you get the proper nutrition, you should have no problems gaining a substantial amount of muscle.

Perform your lifting regimen every other day. After a vigorous workout, the protein synthesis process can take up to 48 hours to complete. In other words, your body builds muscle for up to two-day post-workout, and working out while your body is still recovering may undo your hard work. Enjoy the day of rest–it will help to maximize your results.

Try to eat every 3-4 hours. If you don’t eat frequently enough, you can slow down the rate at which your body creates new proteins, which create muscle tissue. Divide the total number of calories you need in a day by 6, and try to shoot for 6 mini-meals spread out over the course of the day.

Whenever you are working out in order to build muscles, you should have a well-defined goal in mind. Aim to increase the number of reps you do, the maximum weight that you use, or the overall length of your workout. In order to really improve your muscles, rather than simply exercise them, you need to keep them constantly challenged.

After you have worked out it is important to eat some low-carb protein. This means you probably want to avoid protein bars as they often have high carbs. Good sources of protein include lean cuts of meats and poultry as well as a cheesy omelet completed with some sliced veggies.

Drink a little milk before you go to bed. The small boost of calories will prevent your body from turning to muscle for energy while you sleep, which will slow down your progress of building larger muscles. Have your milk with a bit of cereal, or try yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit.

As you can now tell, building muscle can be simple to do with the right information and tips. Use the information given here and start building your muscles so that you can start to makeup for the loss of muscle density that age causes. Take it slowly, and you will soon see the results you seek.

The post Tone Your Tummy And All Your Body appeared first on Home Living Aid.

A Faster Path To The Best In Muscle Building


Getting serious about building muscle isn’t just for bodybuilders; anyone can benefit from building muscle. The trouble is that many times, people are not sure how to build muscle in the way they want. Here are just a few smart tips for building muscle in the most effective way possible.

During your workout, be sure you take plenty of time to hydrate yourself. If you do not drink enough water during your workout, your performance will suffer. It is also a good idea to consider drinking a sports drink instead of just water since sports drinks are filled with electrolytes which replenish the minerals your body loses when it sweats.

While building muscle generally corresponds to an increase in weight, you should not be surprised if your overall weight does not increase. Your lack of net weight gain can easily be attributed to weight loss caused by a decrease in body fat offsetting your muscle gain. There are various tools and techniques that track body-fat loss. You can utilize them to account for this.

Talk to your doctor about which supplements are safe for you. You may be able to enhance your muscle building efforts with creatine and other types of supplements, but you need to know if they are healthy for you to take. Taking supplements is something you need to discuss with a doctor so you can build muscle safely and in a healthy way.

Be very cautious if you decide to use creatine in your muscle-building program, particularly if you continue taking it for long periods. These supplements should not be used if you have kidney problems. They have been shown to cause heart arrhythmia, muscle compartment syndrome, and muscle cramps. Teenagers could be at even more risk than adults. Read the label and make sure that you do not take more than recommended amount.

For good muscle growth, you must eat properly both before and after a workout. Without the proper fuel, you will slow down the progress you want to make. Some good foods to eat for those pre and post-workout meals can be oatmeal, low-fat yogurt, egg whites and whole grain wheat toast.

Compound exercises are vital if you wish to achieve optimum growth of muscle. This type of exercise requires you to use different muscles at the same time. The traditional bench press, which engages muscles in your shoulders, arms, and chest, is a fine example of a compound exercise.

When working out to build your muscles, it is important to know what your limits are. If you are someone who is highly motivated, it is sometimes really easy to push yourself too far. Understand your body and know what it could take. Do not try to compete with someone else especially if they are training at a much higher intensity than you are. You do not want to injure your muscles in the process.

It is extremely important that you stand correctly when doing standing exercises, such as overhead presses and squats. These exercises call for a type of athletic stance. In order to achieve this, you should stand with your feet at about the width of your shoulders. Then, slightly point your toes outward, bend the knees, and arch your lower back. Always make sure that your eyes are looking forward.

When doing weight training, you should always ensure your rest periods are monitored very closely. Short rest periods are the best because they cause a large amount of lactate to accumulate in your muscles. This lactate causes your muscles to be more fatigued, which can lead to more muscle growth.

Make sure that you are incorporating some full body workouts in your muscle building routine. Muscles support each other, so if you work them all you will have a better chance of seeing the best results. You might even see some health problems if all of your workouts consist of only working on a few isolated muscles.

Utilize a power rack in order to prevent a barbell from crushing you while doing a large squat. Lots of squat racks contain pins that can be set below the maximum squatting depth. If you reach failure on a rep, you can just allow the weight to drop onto these safety pins. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about lifting more than you are capable of.

Make use of your own body when you are working out. Bodyweight exercises, which include push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and dips, can cause you to experience additional muscle and strength gains. Because of this, these types of exercises are a very important component of a solid workout program, and they should be included.

Try to eat every 3-4 hours. If you don’t eat frequently enough, you can slow down the rate at which your body creates new proteins, which create muscle tissue. Divide the total number of calories you need in a day by 6, and try to shoot for 6 mini-meals spread out over the course of the day.

Free weights are better for building muscle mass than machines. Machines have their uses, but force the body into strict motions. With free weights, you can lift more and with greater range of motion. They also help to improve your body’s balance, of which machines are incapable. In addition, if you workout at home, free weights are less expensive and take up a smaller footprint than machines.

Set goals which are both realistic and short term. Although it could be tempting to do three hundred pound squats at first, this could cause injury. Once you know your starting strength, you will be better able to identify appropriate goals. You may surpass those short-term goals. This can act as encouragement, helping you to remain positive about your future rate of success.

Building muscle can be a straightforward process with the right advice and the right amount of commitment. Learning how to build muscle is something that anyone can do, and anyone can reap the benefits of stronger muscles. Apply the tips laid out in this article and experience muscle building to a greater degree.

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Develop A Healthy Eating Plan With These Top Nutrition Tips


Many people claim that following a balanced nutrition program is confusing. Some people will say that you should eat a particular item. Others say not to eat that and to eat something else. All of these different theories can confuse anyone. However, the article below will give you the right knowledge so that you can come up with a balanced nutrition program.

Make sure to have a light snack or meal with protein before beginning a workout. Protein is the body needs to repair damage and build new tissue each time you exercise. Protein will keep your body from feeling more worn down than it needs to, and will help protect the leaner body you’re building.

Remember that vitamins are nothing more then supplements. You want to make sure you are eating healthy throughout the day rather than just taking vitamins all day. You should only take one dose of multivitamins in a given day. The rest of your nutrients should come from the food you eat throughout the day.

If you don’t like vegetables, try hiding them in different dishes. For example, vegetable lasagna is usually enjoyed by everyone, even those who don’t enjoy the vegetables. This way, you can get all the really great minerals and vitamins from vegetables without having to eat them in a way that you’d rather not.

If you are having trouble about what you should and shouldn’t eat, consult with a doctor or friends. Sometimes it can be hectic to eat nutritious when there is so much information out there for you to read. Asking around can help you understand what it is you should be putting into your body to keep it running healthy.

Grow your own herbs for cooking in a container garden. Fresh herbs add wonderful flavors to food without adding fat or calories. If you grow your own you will always have a selection of your favorite herbs on hand. Be sure to add the herbs last while cooking so that the flavor is really strong.

For snacking “on-the-go” be sure to carry a reusable tote filled with fresh fruit in season and a bottle of home-purified water. By always having a healthful snack and plenty of good drinking water with you, you will avoid the temptation to purchase soft drinks and junk food to satisfy your normal hunger.

Focus on food labels. Always look at the fat and sugar content of foods when shopping. Check the ingredients list, as they are listed in order of weight. Certain nutritional food claims can be misleading. ‘Light’ or ‘reduced fat’ may be just that, but it can still be very high in calories, due to the sugar content.

If you feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, try eating more fruits, vegetables and grains. These foods are filled with vitamins and minerals. They also have a very low fat content and are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They will help you get through your tired part of the day.

When buying a bagel from a bakery, beware of portion sizes. Most bakeries will give you a bagel that is actually two or more servings of bread. If you enjoy bagels from a bakery, consider splitting the bagel with someone. You can buy a bagel before you go to work and give half to a coworker. This can be a nice gesture and a way to control your portion sizes.

Eating spicy food is an excellent choice. Hot foods that are made with curry or chilies help to trigger endorphins. That is what makes people feel good and balanced. A release of these hormones will give you a little pick me up if you are feeling sad or depressed.

Breast feed after having a baby. Your body will burn an additional 500 to 800 calories each day to produce milk. These added calories can get you back to your pre-pregnancy weight much faster. Make sure to eat a healthy balanced diet though, as you will still need a greater calorie intake until you stop breastfeeding.

Eat lots of vegetables every day. Your Caesar salad, the lettuce leaf on your hamburger or the carrot you chew as a snack – all count. Definitely include dark green leaf vegetables and legumes, as they are excellent sources of different vitamins and minerals. Go easy with dressings, toppings, butter and mayonnaise because they have a high fat content.

Avoid taking too many supplements. While some supplements are a valuable addition to your nutritional plan, overdoing them is not healthy. Overdoing your supplements can cause you to forget the importance of getting vitamins and minerals from whole foods. It can also be dangerous to take very high levels of some vitamins into your body.

Feed your children well right from the start to avoid problems with diseases such as diabetes, and obesity. A good nutritional foundation can mean the difference between a healthy life and one that consists of constant medical care. Help your children avoid problems in the future with good nutrition now.

Eat a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables if you are looking to improve your nutrition. You should find out your daily requirement of calories and base your diet on this. You should also avoid foods that are highly processed and contain a high amount of fat and sugar.

Save yourself some money at the cash register by steering clear of the organic section at the grocery store. Organic food is scientifically proven to be nutritionally the same as “conventionally raised” food, and has not been proven to be any healthier for you but tends to cost much more.

A good nutrition tip that everyone should implement is to stay away from low carb or no carb diets. The foods we eat fall into the carbohydrate, protein and fat categories and it is important that we receive enough food from ALL categories to maintain proper health. Low carb diets have many health risks involved.

As the above article states, following a balanced nutrition program is really quite simple. Even though many people make nutrition complicated and treat it like rocket science, it really is not. If you apply the above tips, you will see for yourself that nutrition is not as complicated as it may appear to be.

The post Develop A Healthy Eating Plan With These Top Nutrition Tips appeared first on Home Living Aid.

How To Make Healthy Nutrition Choices Every Meal


Some people have the wrong idea about what proper nutrition is. Sure, eating right has a lot to do with balancing your overall nutrition, but there is a lot more that goes into proper nutrition than simply a few fruits and vegetables mixed in with your diet. This article will explain some great nutrition tips you can use.

White flour items can easily be substituted with whole-grain or whole-meal products. Compared with refined flour products, products made with whole grains are more rich in fiber and protein. Whole grains are still very satisfying without being heavy or unhealthy. You can know if your food is considered whole grain by checking the ingredients list on the packaging. –Not a sentence.–

Ideal fitness starts with ideal nutrition. Understand the major nutrition groups: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Protein helps you build muscle, carbohydrates give you energy for working out, and fats – in moderation – are necessary for injury repair. About a third of your daily calories should come from protein, about half from carbohydrates, and the rest from unsaturated fats.

Start replacing all your regular snacks for healthier options. Instead of eating chips and cookies replace them with fruit or yogurt. You will not only notice the difference after a few weeks when you do this but it will also help give you more energy when you exercise, remember you are what you eat.

Try to avoid fad diets. Many of these are not tailored to fit everybody’s different nutritional and health-related needs, so doing some of these without consulting a physician can be dangerous. many leave out important daily nutrients that your body needs. Stick to things like lean meats, watching your fats, cholesterol and sugars,and eating healthy produce with a lot of water.

If you don’t like vegetables, try hiding them in different dishes. For example, vegetable lasagna is usually enjoyed by everyone, even those who don’t enjoy the vegetables. This way, you can get all the really great minerals and vitamins from vegetables without having to eat them in a way that you’d rather not.

Make sure that you are getting enough calcium in your foods. Calcium is an important mineral that helps in building strong bones and teeth, and in preventing osteoporosis. A deficiency in calcium will lead to brittle bones, which will result in serious bone fractures during a fall. So, calcium is essential is maintaining a healthy body.

Reduce your salt intake. Junk foods, especially fast food menu items, are typically high in salt content. Once you begin cutting back on salt, you’ll be more aware of it. Foods which are not healthy choices may suddenly seem too salty. Your cravings will diminish.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Many people think that by skipping breakfast they will save calories. However, studies have shown that eating breakfast gets your metabolism going, prevents you from overeating later on in the day, and ultimately helps you lose weight. To maximize your results, choose protein and fiber-rich foods over sugary doughnuts.

Dairy products are a great source of calcium and vitamin D, which help to build bone mass. Additionally, studies have shown that 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, can help you lose weight, particularly around your midsection. Low-fat yogurt is highly versatile and can be used as a substitute for sour cream, mayonnaise and even cheese.

A great nutrition tip is to start taking the supplement Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 has been scientifically proven to convert oxygen in the bloodstream into energy. This means that by taking Coenzyme Q10 you’ll have much more energy. If you suffer from fatigue, Coenzyme Q10 can do wonders for you.

Great desserts can have many benefits. Healthy sweets can be just as gratifying when done properly. Fat-free yogurt is a great choice for a quality dessert. You could also add some honey graham crackers to your yogurt parfait. It’ll create an interesting texture and make it taste even better.

Try to make all of one day’s meals completely vegetarian. This will help you build your meal around your vegetables and grains. It is a great way to eat healthy. You may find that you enjoy the vegetarian style of eating and may plan to continue to do so. This will provide you with a reason to try different preparation options for vegetables.

Pay close attention to your late-evening snacking habits. Even after eating dinner, many people still make a habit out of indulging in a snack in that window between dinner and bedtime. This should be avoided at all costs unless you choose to snack on a healthy, nutritious food, like veggies or non-fat dairy products.

When you are looking for something to snack on, open the refrigerator. You will most likely find choices that are more healthy than anything you can find in your pantry or freezer. Try filling your fridge with fruits and vegetables so you always have easy access to a snack.

Make an old fashioned comfort food a little more healthy. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches are quick and easy. Opt for a whole grain bread, preferably one with nuts and seeds in it. Make sure that your peanut butter is of the natural sort without added oils or sugar. Lastly Get real fruit spreads, not jellies. These changes will make your lunchtime favorite an adult variety.

Sometimes, it is hard to stay on track with a healhty diet while traveling. There are times that you may have to stop at a fast food restaurant. If you do, there are a few things you can do to cut calories. First, order your burger with no cheese or condiments. Also, if possible, choose grilled meats or a salad bar.

Make sure you’re not approaching nutrition without a proper understanding of the topic in general. Assuming you know how to eat right can end up causing some issues. Always be a student of nutrition and remember to use the tips provided here to get on and stay on the right track.

The post How To Make Healthy Nutrition Choices Every Meal appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Nutrition Doesn't Have To Be Complicated


Good nutrition is an important part of healthy living, but it can be difficult to eat properly in a world full of artificial and processed foods. Fad diets, nutritional supplement claims, and TV diet experts add to the confusion. The tips that follow, however, will provide some sound advice and help to dispel some myths about nutrition.

It is tempting to blame the culture we live in for the fact that so many of us have poor nutrition habits. Yet the fact remains that we, as individuals, are ultimately in control of what goes into our mouths. In order to be in control, we must first be more aware of the societal forces at work that make it so easy for us to overeat.

Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women is a top priority. Pregnant women need to get plenty of protein in their diet. Many women do not have a desire to eat the protein but it is still essential. To obtain the protein you need, try blending egg whites into the breakfast smoothie every morning. Pregnant women should consider eggs as an excellent source of protein and a way to get a healthy meal with low calories and no fat. Make sure you are eating eggs that are safely pasteurized.

Limit processed foods. Prepackaged meals and processed foods often contain unhealthy chemicals to retain freshness and are loaded with extra fat and refined sugars to make them taste good. These types of foods are not nutritious and can actually be harmful to your body, so should be eaten only in moderation.

Riboflavin is a great energy booster and supplement to add to your arsenal when you wake up. If you have a lot of energy, your body processes flow very smoothly, and the chances of toxins building up internally are very slim. Riboflavin also halts the formation of acne and creates a beautiful radiance to your face.

Broccoli is a big star in the nutrition “show.” It is loaded with betacarotene, lutein and lycopene. Studies have shown these nutrients to be valuable in preventing cancer. They help liver function. Eat broccoli every day and your health is sure to benefit. You won’t need to buy supplements to provide these nutrients if you eat broccoli consistently.

Avoid diets that require you to ingest higher amounts of fat, even if we’re speaking about good fats. The reason here is that ingesting fat can be habit forming, and after a while your cholesterol levels will start to increase, and although thinner, you may be at higher risk for heart disease.

To recover from sickness quicker, eat foods rich in zinc. Zinc is a great way to boost immunities, foster quick recovery from illness and stave off future sickness. Strawberries, peaches, pumpkin seeds, and wheat germ are all good sources of zinc. These foods also contain lots of antioxidants, which battle dangerous free radicals.

A great nutrition tip is to start taking a multivitamin. Multivitamins are great because they cover a large area of vitamins and nutrients, and they can help balance out any diet. There are different multivitamins available for different age groups, so it’s important that you get the right one for you.

When you go grocery shopping, be sure to make a list ahead of time and try setting a time limit for your shopping. If you have a list, you are less likely to purchase items that are unhealthy for you. When you set a time limit, this can prevent you from going into parts of the store that has processed food.

Try to get through your day without drinking your calories. Soda, juice, alcohol, and coffee can really add up to a lot of empty calories. They are filled with little to no nutrition, and can easily put on weight that you don’t want or need. Get your fluids from water, and skim milk throughout the day.

You should try to create your own snack box for your office. Keep your healthy snacks available to you. If you have your own snacks, you will be less tempted to eat any of the unhealthy snacks that may be available from vending machines in your office. If you are running low on snacks, be sure to replace them before you run completely out.

Use pureed fruit for a healthy substitute for commercial meat sauces. Fruit that is in season is more than affordable. You can puree up everything from apples to pineapples to marinate your fish, poultry, pork or beef. It works when you are barbecuing and even inside on the range or oven.

Eating spicy food is an excellent choice. Hot foods that are made with curry or chilies help to trigger endorphins. That is what makes people feel good and balanced. A release of these hormones will give you a little pick me up if you are feeling sad or depressed.

If you are going to have an alcoholic drink while at the bar with your friends, avoid cocktails that are loaded with sweet syrups and juices. Your best bet would be to have something like a gin and tonic or a light beer. These have much less calories.

One of the most commonly overeaten nutrients in American diets today is cholesterol. If you do not eat enough of it, your body will produce it on its own. It is commonly found in meat, particularly red meat, poultry, and crustaceans. Too much can lead to heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

A national obsession with low carb diets may have you wanting to eliminate all carbohydrates from what you eat each day. Your body and your brain need some carbohydrates to function properly. Instead choose healthy carbs like fruits, veggies and those from whole grains instead of processed foods.

Getting proper nutrition is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but it can be difficult to eat right in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world. However, following the advice you read in this article can help you avoid some common nutrition mistakes and stay on the road to better living through healthier eating.

The post Nutrition Doesn't Have To Be Complicated appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Alleviating Your Body's Pain Through Massage Techniques


Where do you think you would send your partner to get the best massage? Why don’t you just do it yourself? There are plenty of techniques and strategies available that can make it to where your hands are the ones your partner needs. Keep reading to learn more about giving the best massages.

Make sure to drink plenty of water following a massage. Massages often result in toxins being released. Drinking fluid helps minimize any side effects and flushes out the toxins. Try to drink about three glasses during the first hour, then space out the other eight glasses within the next 23 hours.

If you have problems with tension headaches and medication is not doing the trick, consider massage. Massage helps to relax the body, and it can target specific pressure points that offer benefits. Enjoying a massage once a week might be all you need to get rid of your headaches and keep them away.

When you get a massage, don’t be shy. Your therapist should be more than happy to answer any questions you have. The goal is for you to feel as comfortable as possible, so ask what you want to know and get the information you need.

If you suffer from sinus pressure, use massage to help. A simple and quick massage under your brow line can help to clear your sinuses and make breathing much easier. Just use your fingers to massage gently over the eyes and across the bridge of your nose. This only takes minutes, and it can offer you a lot of relief.

Asian massages are known to help relax the body. One not-so-common, but very relaxing Asian massage is called the Indonesian-Javanese massage. With this method, the therapist will use both their hands and knuckles to get so deep into the skin. This will help your muscles relax if they were tense.

Consider massaging your body prior to exercising and immediately afterwards too. Massaging prior to working out helps raise blood flow into all of your muscles. And after a workout, a quick massage helps your muscles recover a lot quicker. It’s definitely worth the extra five minutes before and after exercise!

The feet are an often overlooked area that needs to be massaged. There are many pressure points in the feet that can relax the body as a whole and give the entire body a sense of well being. Focus on one foot at a time and use as much pressure as your partner will allow.

Did you know you have great self-massage tools around the house? Why not lie on a tennis ball for a sore spot on your back? A rolling pin is great for the bottom of your feet. Walk around your house and you may be surprised by all the great tools you find!

Hydrate, hydrate. A massage loosens lymph fluid, lactic acid and other toxins from your soft tissues. This is part of what makes your muscles feel so nice afterward. However, if you are dehydrated, there is no way for these toxins to leave your system. This could leave you feeling sore and slightly nauseated after your massage, which defeats the whole effort and wastes money. So, make sure you drink up!

Be on time, or a little early. Besides being good etiquette, being punctual can actually help your massage be effective. When you are running late, you are usually in a frenzied state, increasing stress levels and putting your body on edge. In a massage, this means it will take you longer to unwind and you may not get all of the benefits of a relaxing rub down.

When you are finished giving or getting a massage, try to give your body at least 10 minutes to recuperate. Since this is not something that you do everyday, you will not want to walk right out after you are done. It is important to maintain regular blood flow before you engage in normal activities again through a short rest period.

Do not be afraid to try new massage techniques when visiting the spa. Some spas offer massages where hot stones are used, others couple massages with a chocolate wrap or seaweed. These techniques can enhance the entire experience, benefiting your muscles, skin and psyche. Consider them if you are looking for a real pampering experience.

Eat some food about 30 minutes prior to a massage, but don’t eat too much! You don’t want to feel bloated for the experience. You want just enough food that you feel relaxed. If you go in hungry, you’ll be that much more stressed for the entire time period of the massage.

You need to know all your options before you go for a massage. For example, there are different techniques that your masseuse can use on you such as deep tissue, rolling, tapping and kneading. You will feel different sensations from each of these, which also depends on what the massage is for.

Make sure you tell your masseuse about any old injuries you may have, or if you have had major surgery in the past. Your massage should feel wonderful and not exacerbate any physical issues you might have! Keep your masseuse in the loop about any medications you are taking, as well.

Prior to making your first visit to a massage clinic, make sure you research the facility. Consumers often post reviews online, and the Better Business Bureau will let you know if there have been any complaints lodged against the practice. Finally, you can also talk to your local Department of Health.

If you want to put some spark back into your relationship, consider giving your partner a romantic massage. They are more intimate than a standard massage and can really relax your partner for some couple focused bonding time. It will enhance your relationship through touch and make your partner feel special.

It’s time to realize that you are ready to give great massages. Don’t doubt what you know, and instead, go try out the techniques. No longer will you feel lost as you use your hands to give the best massage. Remember that you’ve read, and continue to learn more as you wow your partner.

The post Alleviating Your Body's Pain Through Massage Techniques appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Medications For Those Experiencing Memory Loss


Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable disease that effects ones memory as it progresses. Alzheimer’s disease most commonly effects the brains of seniors, causing their memories to fade away forever. Not all seniors who become occasionally forgetful have Alzheimer’s disease. This article will give you some tips about what to look for if you think it may be Alzheimer’s.

Avoid smoking cigarettes to keep your memory from being negatively affected. Studies have shown that the memory of smokers suffers more than compared to non-smokers. You probably didn’t need yet another reason to quit, but maybe this will be the one that lets you finally put down that pack.

Fish oil should be present in your diet. If you are having a hard time remembering things you may be lacking, add Omega-3 to your diet. Change your diet or take a supplement.

Try to avoid food high in salt and saturated fats, including fast food. It has been scientifically proven that these foods can lead to carotid artery disease, which cuts off the brain’s oxygen supply. Losing oxygen prevents the part of the brain that holds memory from learning and obtaining information.

Mnemonic devices can be a great way to help you memorize information. Mnemonics are simply a way to remember facts by associating them with some familiar image or word. For example, each element of a list could be associated with a flower that starts with the same letter, or you could turn the list into a memorable rhyme.

A great tip that can help you improve your memory is to make sure you’re getting enough healthy fats in your diet that contain omega-3’s. These healthy fats are great because they support brain health. You can find omega-3’s in salmon, flaxseed, or you can just take a fish oil supplement.

Use calenders and planners to help yourself remember important events. Buy a planner and write everything down. Make a schedule for yourself and refer to it occasionally. The act of recording this information and recalling it will improve your memory. You will have less to remember, and in the event that you can’t recall something, you will have a place to refer to.

If you are having problems concentrating or memorizing things, try getting more sleep. Your brain needs at least six to eight hours of sleep a night to function properly. If you have a sleep deficit, it can show in your cognitive abilities. If you’re having problems getting enough sleep, don’t ignore this; consult your physician. Very few people can manage to stay healthy in the longterm with only a few hours sleep per night, so don’t be fooled by the claims of those who insist that they can get by on 5 hours per night.

You need to actively prepare your mind before you start to try to remember something. In the same way a runner needs to stretch first, you need to visualize yourself learning what you are trying to commit to memory. This can also help you to be more prepared and organized as well.

To remember something, create a melody by putting it to music. Using melodies is one effective means of improving memory. That’s why children’s television programs use songs to teach concepts. Music helps you remember, because most melodies involve a lot of repetition. Repeating information helps you remember it. Put your next thought to a tune and see if it’s easier to recall.

If you are concerned about memory loss, organize your home and your life. You will not be able to remember information and events if things are messy and disorganized. Make to-do lists and use a planner. It is also crucial to keep important items, like your keys and checkbook, in the same place.

Exercise every day. When you engage in physical activity, your body circulates blood to your brain. This can help keep your memory intact. Even if you are not comfortable engaging in vigorous exercise, there are plenty of ways that you can get your blood pumping. Try walking or riding a bike.

A great tip for improving your memory is to associate something visual with the material you are trying to memorize. This is important because it is a well known way to recall information quickly and accurately. An example would be to color code flash cards into different categories.

If you want to improve your memory, avoid cramming. Last minute memorization can help you remember things, but the benefits are usually only short term. Try to learn new information gradually. Skills and information learned over time are more likely to stick with you. Cramming usually means you’ll forget it as quickly as you learned it.

A great tip for improving your memory is to make sure that you change your study habits from time to time. This is a good procedure because it will help to prevent your memory from becoming stagnant. Changing your location will help to stimulate your mind and open up your ability to store more in your long term memory.

Do not get frustrated if you cannot commit something to memory. This is important because frustration will never assist your ability to store and recall information. If this does occur, just put the problematic information aside and come back to it later from a different perspective.

One way to memorize information is to make a funny or interesting song or poem out of the information. Pick a song or nursery rhyme you know well, and insert the needed information into the lyrics. You will be amazed at how well this works! You may even remember the new words instead of the old!

Maintaining an active and engaged social life is critical to keeping your memory sharp. The more socially active you are, the more slowly your memory will decline as you age. Spend time with your friends and family and make sure you engage in conversation with people on a regular basis.

As stated in the beginning of this article, Alzheimer’s is an incurable disease that effects the memory of seniors. Occasional forgetfulness is very normal, while forgetting all the time may be something more serious. Apply the tips from this article to help you determine if it is normal memory loss, or something more.

The post Medications For Those Experiencing Memory Loss appeared first on Home Living Aid.

The Memory Advice That Everyone Should Read


Your memory is a invaluable resource that you can work on improving every day. In order to keep your memory sharp, you will need to do some exercises that promote memory building. This article will give you some wonderful tips that will improve your memory if used on a daily basis.

A great way for you to improve your overall memory is to make sure that you’re always focusing your attentions on whatever you’re studying at the time. The goal here is knowledge retention. A failure to focus fully on the subject at hand means the information may not be retained properly.

Try teaching the subject you’re trying to learn to another person. Research suggests that by teaching something to another person, you’ll have a much better chance of remembering what you’re teaching. So the next time you’re struggling to remember a new concept, try teaching it to a sibling or friend.

Avoid smoking cigarettes to keep your memory from being negatively affected. Studies have shown that the memory of smokers suffers more than compared to non-smokers. You probably didn’t need yet another reason to quit, but maybe this will be the one that lets you finally put down that pack.

Try to stay away from pills that promise to help improve your memory. Most of the time, these pills are not effective and could cause you physical problems. Instead, you may want to look into supplements like Niacin, Thiamine, and Vitamin B-6. They all help to improve the part of the brain that deals with memory.

Use mnemonic devices to improve your memory. A mnemonic device is any rhyme, joke, song, or phrase that triggers memory of another fact, such as the abbreviation Roy G Biv, which tells you the colors of the spectrum. The best mnemonic devices are those which use humor or positive imagery, as you will have an easier time remembering them.

Try to memorize things in sets of 7. According to studies, the human capacity for Short Term Memory, or (STM) is 7, add or minus 2. This is why humans memorize things best in groups of 7. This is also why, for example, your phone number is seven digits.

Exercise for the mind has been shown to help memory, just like exercise for the body will help muscles! If you enjoy crossword or word search puzzles, do them more often or play a trivia game with friends. Such activity will keep your brain functioning sharper and consequently improve your memory!

The next time your memory fails to help you remember where you placed something, be sure to jog your memory. Try to remember where you last placed something and how long ago it was. From now on, try to keep your items in the same place so you do not forget where they are.

If you have a list of words that you need to remember, try putting them in alphabetical order. Our society has already categorized many common items into alphabetical lists, so it is a pattern that your brain is familiar with. As a result, when you alphabetize a list of words, your brain recognizes the well-known familiar pattern and has an easier time recalling them at a later date.

Sleep is vital to maintaining mental clarity and memory. By avoiding sleep, you make your senses and mind foggier, hurting your ability to focus and piece together information. In addition, during sleep, your brain forges pathways that lead to memory. Getting good sleep (and a good amount of it) will improve your memory.

Do not cram information before an exam or a test. You will remember better if you study regularly. You can improve your memory by making it work on a regular basis, and you will remember something more easily if you go over it everyday instead of focusing on it for a few hours only.

When you need to remember new information, relate it to what you already know. If you use proper memorization techniques, you should have what you already know memorized under a certain structure. Add the new information within the same structure if you can, or add new categories to your organization.

If you are studying complicated information that you know nothing about, try to link it to a topic that you are very familiar with. You will be able to recall the unfamiliar material much better if you are able to associate it with something that is easy for you to understand.

Try learning a new language. Learning a new language can really help to keep your mind and memory in shape. It has also been proven to delay brain deterioration and dementia. Just immersing yourself in the language will do. There is no need to become a fluent speaker of it.

When trying to improve your memory, brain stimulation and using your mind is important. Schedule a weekly game night with your friends or family and make your brain exercise fun. The mental workout received from games such as chess, or Scrabble are very effective tools in boosting the power of your brain.

When learning something new, involve as many of the senses as you can. There are several different learning styles, and each uses a different sense to optimize their learning experience. Touch an object, associate it with a smell, look at it, and even have a taste that reminds you of what you want to learn. You will more effectively retain the information. Recalling the information will come easier as well.

We remember funny things. So, if something amuses you or you think it is funny, you are more likely to remember it. If you are trying to memorize something, create an amusing or absurd image out of whatever it is you are trying to memorize and it will be more likely to stay in your head.

You have been given some wonderful ways to improve your memory. Use the tips that you have learned to keep your memory sharp and working properly. Your memory is something that if you don’t actively work on, it will not be there when you really need it. Stay on your toes and follow the advice you have been given.

The post The Memory Advice That Everyone Should Read appeared first on Home Living Aid.

Increase Your Memory With These Tips And Tricks


Once that scrapbook is gone and those home videos stop playing, all we have left to recall our many experiences is our ability to remember. If you forget all the good times you’ve had, those cherished memories may be gone forever. Read this article and learn about some ways you can work to improve your memory.

Keep a running list of the things you want to accomplish each day. As you finish one item, cross it off and move on to the next. Simultaneously, keep adding items at the bottom of the list as they arise. In this way you will never forget what you need to do next.

If you find yourself having difficulty recalling information, take a deep breath and relax. Sometimes all you need is a bit more time to allow your memory to retrieve the information. Feeling pressed for time can result in stress that inhibits the recall process. Remember that the older you are, the longer it takes to retrieve information from the memory.

Take advantage of social networking sites to remember birthdays. Take the time to invite all your friends to join you on your social networking site, and be sure to ask them when their birthdays are and enter this information in the birthday reminder program provided so that you will always be notified in advance.

According to studies, material is better memorized if you go over it a number of times during regular study sessions. This gives your brain adequate time to process the information. According to research, students that had established regular study sessions recalled material much better than those who crammed all the material into one marathon study session.

To try to remember more things. You may want to create a catchy song. People find that putting important information into a song helps their memory. Try to find words that rhyme, and do not put anything too complicated into the song, as that could just end up confusing you more.

In order to improve your memory, be sure that you exercise on a regular basis. It is proven that exercise makes a person more alert, which in turn, helps you to absorb and keep information in the mind. Also, when your mind is alert, it is easier for it to take mental pictures.

Memory is basically the acquisition of new information, and when you have problems concentrating, it becomes vastly more difficult to acquire new information. Most problems with concentration are linked to an Omega-3 deficiency. One effective way to counter this and thereby improve your memory is through the use of fish oils. Incorporating fish oil supplements in your diet can help your memory.

When you are trying to commit something to memory, it’s important to stay in the current moment as much as you possibly can. Try to avoid the urge to focus on the past or the future as you are learning. Make every effort to focus your attention on the material at hand, and you will retain it better.

Aid your memory by organizing facts into topic sets. Create outlines of study materials that are based on similar topics rather than when you originally learned that fact. Your brain remembers things better if they go together. By grouping similar concepts and topics together, you increase your chances of remembering those items later.

Use planners and calendars. Invest in a planner so that you can keep track of important things. Make yourself a schedule and look at it every day. The more you write things down and view them, the easier they are to recall on demand. This is a good way to make living with memory loss easier on a daily basis.

If you have a list of words that you need to remember, try putting them in alphabetical order. Our society has already categorized many common items into alphabetical lists, so it is a pattern that your brain is familiar with. As a result, when you alphabetize a list of words, your brain recognizes the well-known familiar pattern and has an easier time recalling them at a later date.

It is easier to retain new information if you can connect it with knowledge you have already integrated in your memory. By associating your new information in short term memory to already acquired information in long term memory, you give it an anchor and help it to become embedded in your brain.

If you are wanting to remember something new, say it! Any new material that you want to remember should be read aloud. When you read words out loud, you form a memory pathway through two of your senses, sight and hearing. This gives two paths of retrieval when you want to recall this information at a future date.

To help a young child remember his home phone number, use a familiar tune and make up a song with the phone number. When the phone number is associated with the familiarity of the tune, the child will be able to recall the phone number a lot better. This method is useful for people of any age.

Forming gratifying, deep emotional bonds with your friends and family can actually help to preserve your memories. It has become apparent through scientific study that socializing with friends and family often helps keep the memory functions of the brain running smoothly.

If you are studying complicated information that you know nothing about, try to link it to a topic that you are very familiar with. You will be able to recall the unfamiliar material much better if you are able to associate it with something that is easy for you to understand.

Relate new material to something you already know. If you need to remember something new, see if you can connect it to facts already in your knowledge base. When these kinds of links are established between new facts and knowledge already in your possession, then it’s far simpler for you to recall the new knowledge later on.

If you keep anything in life, you need to make sure you keep your memories. Whether we’re talking about material for your next pop quiz or your wedding day, memories are very important and something you need to hold on to. Use the tips you’ve just read in the article above to help you remember.

The post Increase Your Memory With These Tips And Tricks appeared first on Home Living Aid.

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